Friday, November 12, 2010


With the arrival of our 5th baby I may or may not go back to work. We are planning to have a very frugal Christmas this year! Here are our Ideas

-Homemade gifts for the family such as gifts in a jar, gift baskets put together with my stockpile and maby a decoration or 2 made by the kids

-SWAGBUCKS..I didnt start swagging until a few months ago so I dont have many swagbucks but enough to turn in for an amazon giftcard or paypal to use towrds Christmas

-Selling on Ebay..I have a bunch of clothes listed on ebay and what I sell I plan to use towards Christmas.

-Enter the awesome online giveaways and hope I win! Ive entered loads of giveaways and will be entering them all month long! I only emter the ones I think I can use for gifts!

-Consignment shop gifts. I have a few things I have bought from our new local consignment shop. The shop seems to carry great things! Everything in there is in great shape! I got a few toys, a few puzzles and a few dvds. About $100 worth of stuff for 30!

-There have been a few deals online I have grabbed already including free photobooks and free didgital prints...with theese I plan on giving the photobooks away as gifts and with the pictures I had developed for free Ill be putting into an album and giving to my Mother in Law for Christmas!

There are a few ways we will put towards frugal gifts for our family!


  1. New follower from the think green bloghop! Feel free to stop by and follow back – you may be interested in some of my giveaways :)

  2. I'm a new follower from this weekend's blog hop.

    Thanks for the great post. Here's to a frugal Christmas!

  3. Howdy, just found your blog. How did you earn so many swagbucks so quickly? I use the search bar and started at about the same time as you and only have a fraction of what you have (according to your widget). Thanks for the frugal ideas. It seems like everyone is being more frugal this year. We all made it through the Great Recession, but we're not recovered yet. Or maybe we all learned a lesson about overspending...
