Every mom has one of these now right? Im not the only one? If you have a busy or large family the this is a must! This little trusty notebook of mine helps me get through each day and helps me stay on the ball as a mother and a wife! It helps me keep things together and get it all done...the cooking, the cleaning, the holidays...I wouldnt really know what to do if I didnt have a notebook to grab each morning as I get up!!
I thought today I would share with you my notebook. Everyones is different im sure depending on your family life and daily doings. Here is mine and what I include:
In the very beginning...I keep a calendar for myself! Well its actually a family calendar but it is mainly for me! I jot down everything here...birthdays, appts, holidays, meetings ect. This is a must for me! I get up first thing each morning and look at this calendar to see if we have anything planned today or not!

The first section is my cleaning section...I keep checklists galore here! It holds things such as weekly cleaning checklists, daily cleaning checklists, monthly lists, seasonal cleaning lists, etc.

Second is a small homeshool section! I have another whole binder for my planning! This section I included things that I can jot down during the day at random times such as book requests or books we need, yearly goals, a monthly theme planner etc. I also have a calendar for hubby in here...which I fill out at the beginning of the month. It is a small calender in which I jot down an activity for him to do with the kids each day! Hubby works long hours overnight and sleeps mostly during the day...so I jot down things he can squeeze in during each day...something to help them with their schooling....so they feel like he is a part of it and helping them accomplish more! The children really like to see everyday what their dad will be doing with them when he wakes up! LOL!

Next is the kitchen section...this has menus ideas, our monthly menu planned our from breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks! It also has recipes that I switch out month to month to follow our menu plan, a few price tracker worksheets and then a spot where I can jot down a menu idea or recipe that I might find while browsing the internet! I also keep a shopping list with weekly couponing section as well!

There is my garden section right after the kitchen section which holds a list of all the seeds I have stored, a garden plan for next yr plus the garden plans for the following year, a list of things I may need in the spring, seeds I want to order etc
I decided last yr to insert a family fun section as well. Which contains our packing list for camping, places to camp, places in the area to go to for day trips, field trips or just taking the kids for fun! I also included a list of family traditions and a spot for ones I would like to start or inclue in our family
Then there is the Christmas section which holds quite a bit of info. I keep this section in my reach all year long incase I jot down things such as gift ideas, tradition ideas etc. In this section I keep worksheets for my holiday Budget, a list of gift ideas for everyone...a list of gifts I actually get everyone, Christmas card list, a list of any charities or donations I want to do, recipes I need, a blank December calander so I can start filling it in with good stuff as soon as I can! And then at the end of the section I keep a worksheet that allows me to record everything special we did that year...so I can hold it for future reference or use it for our scrapbooks!

The last section I just have random things in such as our family and friends birthdays, ways to make extra $$, a list of trades and sales etc Ive made online so I dont lose track, our monthly budget, a list of rebates and a place to store my reciepts, a list of things I am expecting in the mail, simple ways to keep frugal, everyones clothing inventory..what we have and what we need and more!

There you have it, my household binder! I hope every mommy that reads this will get some ideas or inspiration for their binder!