Each kid Has 3 morning chores and 3 afternoon chores that they are expected to do every day. These chores stay the same every week, all week. They also have 3 daily chores that change every day. These 3 daily chores they can earn money for. I think the mamas prespective on this is great! We do things daily that we dont get paid for and then we work to get paid. So this basically teaches children the difference. And as long as they are earning money...heck...why not teach them how to count, save and spend while we are at it. Both of my older boys set a goal..They both really want a video game and so they are saving up $20 for the video game that they want.
Here are our daily expected chores for our children:
Trenton(7)-Make Bed, Devotions, Clean off dresser, Silverware out of the dishwasher, pick up living room, and take care of shoes and jackets
Carter(5)-Make Bed, Devotions,brush teeth,clean under bed, take care of shoes/jacket and vacuum living room
Rylan(2)-Brush teeth,Prayer,help with laundry, pick up toys in living room, pick up toys in toy room,wash table, wash hands (working on some daily things)
And for the earned chores.(these are examples as they do change every day)
Trenton-wash mirrors, wash kitchen cupboards down, load dishwasher, bathroom sinks, organize the entertainment center, etc
Carter-wash kitchen door, bathroom counters, organize bookshelves, sweep hallway, organize the video game cupboard
Rylan-Use the potty, sweep kitchen, wash glass door, pick up bedroom
Now...there are the cutest little sheets for all of these chores and you can find them here.

And for Rylan's chore chart which is a little different..using picture cards...go here

This was just a great idea and it really works for us so I thought Id share!